18 November 2022

Rosemary Sutcliff and Reimagining Roman Britain

Dr David Walsh of Newcastle University has posted a long audio documentary on Rosemary Sutcliff. It's a great piece of work, and if you want to know more about Sutcliff's life and hear clips of her books, this is definitely a must-listen!  

This version is on Youtube: 

Rosemary Sutcliff by Dr David Walsh and guests  

16 December 2017

Eagle of the Ninth soon appear on DVD

This blog is honoured to be chosen as a reviewer of the forthcoming DVD of the BBC's 1977 version of the Eagle of the Ninth.  Both Sarah and Sandra will be posting reviews, and they're bound to come up with differing angles.

However, before that, this blog will be posting a series of stills from the production, and also details of a special offer from Simply Media (sellers of the DVD) so watch this space!

5 September 2017

Eric Eller and the Aquila Family at the Green Man Review

 Read Eric Eller's interesting consideration of the Aquila Family from the Eagle of the Ninth to Dawn Wind.  He also reviews Sword at Sunset on another page.

31 July 2017

Imagining the pagan past, Marion Gibson

Imagining the past: gods and goddesses in literature and history since the Dark Ages by Marion Gibson, 2013, Routledge

This sounded like a title that should include Rosemary Sutcliff and it does!  There is talk of Kipling and how Sutcliff is influenced by him in her writings.  She appears in the Something Old Something New chapter, under the heading: From Gog to Coventina: god and goddess in folklore, religion and fiction.  

'The Eagle of the Ninth (1954) uses the Romano-British period and its gods to negotiate contemporary issues of generational change, masculine friendship and difference ...' pg 95

There is not a huge amount about Sutcliff, but it is likely that anyone interested in her books will find much to contemplate due to the exploration of the background of the pagan past

Excerpts of the Gibson's work can be found on Google Books.  Contents include: 
  • From Geoffrey of Monmouth to William Camden 
  • Pagan deities from the antiquaries to the Romantics
  • Pagan deities from the first Celtic Revival to the mid twentieth century 
  • Heathen men and northern deities from the Middle Ages to the mid twentieth century
  • Melting the ice gods 
  • Three schools of contemporary god and goddess fiction

28 July 2017

Sutcliff on Pinterest

Anthony Lawton is running a Pinterest page.  Some interesting book jacket shots and photos included.  Beware: Pinterest will not let you view unless you have signed up to the service

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